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Fire Dept Minutes 11/3/14
Greenfield Fire Department
November 3, 2014
Business Meeting Agenda

  • MEETING CALLED TO ORDER:  7:05pm by Linda Dodge.
  • Linda introduced Steve & Kathy Seigars.  Steve thanked the GFD members, who were stationed at Yankee Siege, with the fire truck, while The Myth Busters were filming during the weekend of Oct. 25th & 26th.  It was a great weekend and he was very appreciative of all who helped out.
  • Announcement:  David Hall informed everyone that on Tuesday October 28th Chief Loren White resigned from the Chief’s position at GFD.   We thank Chief White for his many years of service on the Fire Department and wish him well in his future endeavors.   On Thursday October 30th David Hall was sworn in as the new Chief of the GFD.
  • Sharing a meal together:  Chief Hall asked that we take a few moments before the meal and our meeting, to give thanks.   He said the word companion comes from two Latin words, cum panis, which means, with bread. This was seemingly appropriate, since we have begun a new tradition of breaking bread together at our monthly meetings. Being thankful for the companionship and friendship and praying for everyone’s safety.  Anyone who would like to offer a thankful blessing at our future meals and meetings is welcome to do so.
  • Attendance:  Present: Dorene Adams, Chaz Babb, Chris Borden, Lt. Mike Borden, Joel Boutin, Capt. Al Burtt, Zach Davis, Madam Pres. Linda Dodge, Kyle Fontaine, Chief David Hall, Lt. Jeff LaCourse, Treasurer Christine Long, Deputy Mark Long, Moto Maguire, Capt. Jim Morris, Deputy Jim Murphy, Chad Murray, Brenda Parker, Jeff Rychwa, David Simmons, Jacob Snell and Otie Maguire, our mascot!  Absent: Guy Hatt.  Excused: Rose Auth, Capt. Ryan Patterson.
  • Guests, Visitors or New Applicants:  The Select Board joined us for dinner and the meeting: Margo Charig-Bliss, Debra Davidson, Karen Day.  Meredith Burtt, Al’s wife also joined us for the evening.
  • SECRETARY’S REPORT:  Dorene emailed the Oct. Minutes.  Lt. LaCourse made a motion to accept the minutes as emailed.  Lt. Borden seconded the motion.  The vote was affirmative to accept the report as emailed.
  • 13 Rescue 1: In service:  There was a leak in the thermostat gasket-Moto repaired it.
  • 13 Engine 2: In service: The Jaffrey valve input side was leaking and has a temp repair.  Chief Hall has located 2 used valves and will be purchasing them from the Brookline Dept.  They will need a few other parts such as couplings.  Discussion ensued.   End result, it will be able to be repaired.
  • 13 Engine 3: OOS (out of service)… out for water tank repair. Chief Hall informed us that this is under warranty and will not cost us for the repair, other than a little bit for labor.  Moto is working on this.  It will be a couple of weeks before the company gets the repair workers here to do the job. Discussion ensued as when to use mutual aid when 13 Engine 3 is down.  Reminder to
cancel the use of Mutual Aid if it is not needed.  It was suggested to use this engine for a cascade
until it is scheduled for repair.  Lt. LaCourse suggested hosing out the compartments before putting equipment in it.
  • 13 Tanker 1: In service: Deputy Long suggested getting the scene lights on the truck in working order.  Capt.  Morris said they are intermittent.  Jacob gave a detailed description of how you have to get them to work and what is wrong with them.
  • 13 Brush 1: In service
  • 13 Utility 1: Rescue Jack system is operational and we need to do trainings with it.  Jeff Rychwa said the truck is fully stocked and in order.
  • 13 Boat 1: In service  
  • Rescue Drill:  Tuesday, Nov. 11th, 7pm, Location:  Bennington.  This is the last of the 1st cycle of mandatory trainings.   We also need to have N95 face mask fittings for EMR personnel.  Deputy Murphy informed us that 25 level 3 PPE’s have been ordered, including boots.
  • Fire Drill: Tuesday, Nov. 18th,  7pm,  Location: Chief Hall wants to do take Engine 2 out and do pump training as this is now our primary engine.  Moto gave a brief history of Engine 2 and will lead this training
  • Officer’s Meeting & B.O.R.:  Wednesday, Nov. 26th,  7pm (please note new date)
This is moved to the 4th Wednesday
  • Next Business Meeting:  Monday,  December 8th,  7pm  
Please NOTE that next month the business meeting will be on the second Monday as 8 of the department members will be at their EMR practical exam on the 1st Monday.   
  • Rescue Jack Training:   Was Sat. Oct. 25th.  Any report on how it went? Jeff R. attended and said the training was awesome!  They learned a lot.
  • Incident Traffic Training in Gilford: David S. went to this training and said it mainly dealt with incidents on highways and instructed responders how to safely park their vehicles while on the scene, and to get the scene cleaned up and depart quickly, in order to keep traffic moving along.  It was informative.   Moto suggested that when at a scene, to turn your headlights off, keeping the parking lights and emergency lights on.  Oncoming traffic has a difficult time seeing to drive by a scene when vehicle headlights are shining at them, along with emergency lights going.  Especially at night and during rain.  Chief Hall said we will work on this during training.
  • POV (personal vehicles on scenes):  Deputy Long encouraged members to get to the station and go to the scene with the crew.  Having too many POV’s on a scene is not safe.   Chief Hall said this too will be worked on during training.
  • Critical Thinking Class in New Boston, Oct. 29th:  Who was able to go and how was the class? Brenda,  Jeff R. and Lt. Borden commented on how the class was very informative.  They learned a lot on venting a fire, do’s & don’ts.  Also, keeping an eye on your gear etc.  Chief Hall commented that this is the type of trainings they can do in the new training building we are fundraising for.
  • Hospital Workshop:  Jim Murphy will email EMT personnel with this information for those who want to attend.
  • Anatomy & Phys. Class:  Brenda mentioned that she is attending this class, as well as a trauma class in Concord.
  • Sunday Morning Church at GFD 9am-11am:  This is open to all members who are willing and able to participate on Sunday mornings. There is no fixed agenda… we clean, fix, build, repair or train as needed. All are welcome.  
  • Dorene sent a thank you letter to Paul Bergeron.  No response at this time.
  • More Portables for Apparatus:  Any update?   None
  • Building for Training Fundraising: Any Update?  Chief Hall gave the treasurer the donations that have come in for the building.   Dorene will send letters of thanks to those she has address for.
  • Quarterly Combined Trainings: Any information or updates? (none) Loren had previously reported that the area departments, Hancock, Bennington, Francestown and Lyndeborough, would like to do combined trainings.  Nothing is confirmed at this point.
  • GES Fire Prevention Visitation  was Friday, Oct. 24th :   How did it go?  Lt. Borden and Jeff R. took a Fire Truck to G.E.S. and showed the students the equipment, explained fire safety rules and let them sit in the truck!  The students seemed to enjoy the lessons.  Dorene left off plastic fire hats and other items for the students that were given to them when school let out.    Lt. Borden and Jeff R. also made a visit to the Wonder Works Daycare at Crotched Mountain.
  • Punkin Chuckin!  How did that go? Deputy Long thanked GFD members for helping with this event.  Linda commented on how much fun it was to be a part of the filming of the event and encouraged everyone to watch the show on Sat., Nov. 29th!   Atlas gave a donation to the Associations general fund as a thank you to the Dept. for providing coverage during the event.
  • Trick or Treat on Fri.: How did it go?  Linda thanked Dorene, Brenda and Jeff R. for setting things up and being there to hand out candy to the kids.  Looking forward to doing this again next year.   Kyle brought up the fact that the road is very dark from the center of Town to the Fire Station and that vehicles travel too fast on Halloween night.  Keep this in mind for next year and maybe we can come up with a way to provide light and slow traffic.  We need to make it safer for the kids.
  • Pagers:  Have they all been repaired? Mark said all pagers are back.  Reminder that Motorola is not fixing #5’s anymore, nor #4’s.  We will need to be purchasing new pagers.
  • Flags and Poles. Any update?:  Jeff R. stated that he just needs to get the poles painted, the holes dug and then he can install them.  He needs some cement.  Brenda has some she will give him.  Then the flag poles will be installed out front next to the other one.
  • Facebook Page for GFD:  Jeff has set this up.  Please check it out.
  • Membership Vote David Simmons:  It was noted that David should have been voted on about 3 months ago.  Apologies to David for not doing so.  David was Voted on and accepted as a member of The GFD.  Congratulations David and welcome!
  • Items tabled until further notice:  Any updates?
  • “Hydrant Bags”:  Capt. Morris reported that they have acquired a hydrant bag and a few pieces.  Will continue to gather the parts needed and update later.
  • The Towns  225th Anniversary is scheduled for Sat. June 25th,  2016 with a Parade and events at Oak Park.   Dorene will give updates when she has them.
  • New Business
  • Dec. 8th Meeting Meal:  Brenda will cook a turkey and we will have a Holiday type meal.  Those who wish to contribute, please coordinate with Brenda.  Linda asked that everyone bring in a canned good for Greenfield’s food pantry, or some kind of winter clothing to be given to those in need.
  • Meeting Room:  Jeff R. expressed his opinion in making our meeting room more functional for many different types of gatherings.  Using the kitchen for preparing meals we share together.  Having an area to watch training videos or movies etc.  Brenda commented on having exercise equipment available and to encourage members to keep fit so they can be better prepared for GFD service. Good ideas to keep in mind.
  • TEMSIS:   Brenda asked if the computer and TEMSIS was up and running.  Chief Hall informed
members that a new computer, monitor and service package has been purchased and will be installed next week. Chief Hall will inform Deputy Murphy of the arrival of the computer and asked that he be at the Station when the installation takes place.  
  • Membership vote for next month:  Linda reminded us that Chris Borden will be voted on at the next meeting.
  • SMOKING and the use of Chewing Tobacco:  The Chief announced that effective immediately there would no smoking anywhere in the fire station.  An area will be designated in the back of the building for those who smoke.  Please use the receptacle for the butts. Please, no using chewing tobacco during the meetings. Chief Hall feels that smoking in front of the building sends the wrong message to the younger residents in town. Thank you.
  • Transport Licensing:  Deputy Long will be in the process of getting Greenfield licensed so we will have the ability to transport.   This does not mean that we will be transporting.  We are merely looking to obtain the license so we have future possibilities.  We are still not a transporting unit.
  • New Firefighter to join GFD:  Chief Hall is in the process of working out details that will allow Joey Sweeney of Gulf Road, in Peterborough, to be available to respond to calls during the evenings for GFD.  He is a FF1 and comes with references. Chief Hall will keep us informed.
  • Community CPR Class:  Chief Hall is working out some details on holding a community CPR class.  We would like to make it free to Greenfield residents, though donations will be accepted.  We will need to pay the instructors.   Discussion ensued as to whether or not this could be covered under another budget. Chief Hall will look into options. Would like to schedule this for after the Holidays. Kyle suggested extending this invitation to Harvester Market employees as well as other Town Employees etc. Discussion followed on locations of PAD’s in community buildings.
  • Grant Writing:  Chief Hall has asked Deputy Murphy if he would look into writing grants for the department.  Deputy Murphy has agreed. So far, he has found out that Federal Grants all go through FEMA. The process is laborious and it is too late for 2014. There are three major areas: 1. Equipment needs to be older than 10 years and open cab and jump seat apparatus are a high priority.  2. Training for upgrading skills.   3. PPE: if personal protection equipment is older that 2NFPA cycles. We are eligible in several areas. There is a 5% match that we would have to come up with.  Deputy Long asked that if we did get the grant, would we be able to use the capitol reserve fund for the 5% needed.  Discussion about this ensued and it was determined, by the Select Board’s input that we would be able to use the funds for the match, as that would be for equipment. Discussion followed as to where we might get further expert help with the grant writing.
  • Web Page:  Chief Hall informed us that he is in the process of having a formal GFD web page made.  His businesses’ I.T. guy is working on this on a volunteer basis.  We will need to purchase a web hosting for about $89.00 a year, which is not expensive. This will be found under when completed.
  • Gift Certificate:  Chief Hall made a motion to purchase a gift certificate in the amount of $75.00 for Bruce Dodge, for all his help in creating the fundraising thermometer as well as all the years he has created and designed items for the Department. It was voted “Yes” by department members.  We are all very thankful for Bruce’s help!
  • Uniforms:  There was discussion about GFD uniforms and what members are to buy.  Chief Hall asked members not to buy anything yet as he wants to make sure that all members have the same uniform.  He would like to see members get a set of class B uniforms.  Class A’s are nice, but would not get used as much as class B’s.  He would like to see members wearing these when they respond to calls or are on call.  Chief Hall will be addressing the uniforms at a later date.
  • Pictures:  Select Board Member, Karen Day, would like to put a picture of GFD members in the Town Report. She thinks that it is important for residents to know who is on the Fire Department. This will be done later.
  • Card Printer:  Deputy Long will have prices on a card printer at next month’s meeting.  It would be nice to be able to print our own I.D. cards.
  • “I’m Just A Volunteer”:  Chief Hall pointed out a plaque put up by the white board. He does not want to hear anyone say, “I’m just a volunteer”! We are a professional Fire Department. We are a trained Fire Department. You may not receive an hourly wage for the time you put in, but you are a trained professional. You are to use appropriate behavior at all times, as your behavior is a direct reflection upon this Department.
  • Do The Job Right:  If you do not know how to do something that you are asked to do… please, tell the person who asked you. It is important that you let them know that you have either not been trained to do the job or just not sure how to do it.  Do not try to do the job by guessing.  This could result in an unsafe situation and cause more harm. We have many, many complicated tasks and procedures to learn… not many of us know all of them. Do not be embarrassed by letting someone know that you don’t know how to do something. This is how you will learn.  
  • Christmas Party and Recognition Dinner:  The officers would like to have a Christmas Party and Recognition Dinner at the Meeting House on Sat. Dec. 13th in the evening.  Dorene Adams, Brenda Parker and Linda Dodge will make arrangements to do so and will inform the membership.
Respectfully submitted,  Dorene Adams, Secretary